Weather & Climate at Pueblo Chemical Depot Army Base in Pueblo, CO

Summary of the weather and climate in Pueblo, CO:

  • The average high in Pueblo, CO is 68.6°F and average low is 35.2°F
  • The hottest month is July with an high of 92.9°F
  • The coldest month is January with an low of 14°F
  • Annual rainfall is 12.57 inches. The rainiest month is August with an average of 2.32 inches.
  • Annual snowfall is 31.8 inches. The snowiest month is January with an average of 6.5 inches.


Climate Table — Pueblo Chemical Depot Army Base

Monthly Averages:

High (°F)Low (°F)Rainfall (inches)Snowfall (inches)
January 47 14 0.35 6.5
February 50.5 17.3 0.3 3.8
March 59.1 25.6 0.93 5.7
April 67.2 33.9 1.4 3.8
May 76.8 44.1 1.51 0.5
June 87.2 52.8 1.36 0
July 92.9 58.7 2.06 0
August 89.4 57.5 2.32 0
September 81.6 47.7 0.77 0.3
October 69.4 34.2 0.72 1.3
November 56.1 22.5 0.47 4.4
December 46 14.2 0.38 5.5

Climate Charts — Pueblo Chemical Depot Army Base

Weather through the year:


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