About Milbases.com

What is MilBases.com?
Welcome to Milbases.com and thanks for visiting! Milbases.com is the ultimate military bases resource. We provide useful and timely information on over 300 U.S. military bases across the country.
Our mission is to help military personnel and their families learn about and connect with their duty station. In many cases, this is their new home. MilBases is also useful for the general public wishing to learn about our nations military bases—often located right in their own backyard.
Curating and maintaining accurate, useful information on over 300 military bases is a lot of work. This project would not be possible without our dedicated team. Our Editor is Diana Dymond and our Lead Content Creator is Daisy Hernandez.
Other contributors include Nate Gerber, Landon Grove, Sonya Luedeman, Eric Lindsay, Spencer Carroll, Laura Burke, Brett Rodriguez, and Cassie Bufford.
Thank you to the men and women of our armed services. We thank you!